Once upon a time, in the mystical realm of Dragon Ball Z, there existed a pair of extraordinary twins named Sua and Shinu Daiken. Born into a lineage tracing back to the very first android, they possessed an innate power that surpassed that of mere mortals. Unfortunately, fate had a cruel twist in store for the Daiken twins.
Sua, the kind-hearted and compassionate sister, fell gravely ill with a rare and vicious form of cancer. As her condition grew worse with each passing day, Shinu, her protective brother, embarked on a desperate quest to find a way to save her.
Tales had whispered of a genius within the ranks of the Red Ribbon Army, a certain Tokeno, who specialized in android technology. Shinu sought out this lower-ranking android specialist, hoping against hope that he could offer a solution.
Tokeno, a lanky and bespectacled android, listened intently to Shinu's plea. While initially skeptical, Tokeno saw the overwhelming love and desperation in Shinu's eyes. Deep down, he couldn't deny the potential for good his skills could bring to the world.
With determination and resolve, Tokeno agreed to help Shinu save his sister, despite the risks involved. Knowing the gravity of the situation, Tokeno crafted a daring plan that entailed both sacrifice and great power.
With grim determination, Shinu made the ultimate sacrifice, willingly sacrificing his humanity to become an android capable of wielding unimaginable strength. This transformation engulfed him, fusing his determination with the mechanical enhancements Tokeno had designed.
Sua, unaware of her brother's sacrifice, unexpectedly regained her health but at a grave cost. The same cosmic forces that saved her life transformed her into an android as well, forever altering her existence.
The two liked their transformation, however, in the red ribbon army they were the weakest and lowest ranked of them all. after a chance encounter with the fused warrior, gotenks, kaosku eventually destroyed gotenks, and rose through the ranks. being deployed to exterminate the saiyans, however. the future warrior, trunks, lived in a future where androids 17 and 18 destroyed the Z warriors and plunging the world into chaos. and thus, he travelled back in time to destroy 17 and 18.
he was eventually confronted by Shinu, and after a long and bloody battle, shinu was eventually struck down by trunks, being sliced in half by his sword, while the adult gohan destroyed every other android, besides Kaosu. who discovered doccuments left behind by the first android, detailing the evil goals of the red ribbon army, and how they must destroy it.
motivated by this, Kaosu joined the Z warriors, protecting the planet alongside the likes of goku, vegeta, piccolo, krillin, tien, and yamcha. and this is where our story ends.