1 year ago

My inspirations to draw blood is back

But idk if you guys could like it Cuz I don't can't to traumaed someone


Mis inspiraciones de dibujar sangre y esas cosas regresaron pero no se si aserlo ya que no quiero traumar a nadie



Next up

The dude's announcement

I decide tomar do the Arts on my Germán book.

Im leaving again, cyan

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus

I found this post and thought it would be fun to make it a fanart type


Credits :

OC : @ThefunnyArtist

Art : @frondy_

I was late but, @1105dxnnyy-Purnell___ happy spawn day.

I lied


Her heartbeat plays with her song.

Marionette model by @Mortuus , more to come soon

Doing a mini comic...