1 month ago

My last art



Next up

Sooooo fiery, anyway, A NIGHT ON BALD MOUNTAIN MUAHAHAHA *evil_laughter.mp4.idk*

Dude, I just posted it, it's barely been 12 seconds, how does it already have 3 likes?


here are my ideas in order, the rite of spring and pastoral arcs are still missing, I have no idea what to put in them, any ideas are very welcome

Just some Collor lol

Redrew the poses as these goobers

If you want me to explain later, just ask in the comments, I won't answer directly here because there is a character limit

Womp womp


What about love? :)

Here comes the boy

Muahaha edgy girll, shes very chill actually and she has one of the worst type combinations defensively speaking I've ever seen