Enlain's Old Dead Projects / Test Projects
11 months ago

NBD Revivals

Well, you guys wanted me to write this for a long time apparently so might as well do it while I feel like it.

At the time I thought NBD looked perfect as a FNaTI 2, even if it's not as original as the actual FNaTI, so of course I had undying love for it and wanted to jump onto the NBD revival train.

All of these games have the story from Malrat's NBD heavily involved as I thought he would be making his games as close to the original to the point where he would know the official story.

I also may be misremembering, but almost all of the versions used the models from Mr. Manatee's NBD V1, as they were the ones that I found and could download back then.

Nightmare Before Disney V1

This was one of the earliest games I was making. A lot from this was reused for V2, mainly graphics.

The main menu is exactly the same as in V2, except this game was actually in Clickteam's standard resolution of 640x480 since I was still a complete beginner at it and didn't know how to change it.

A couple things that were completely different were the night intros and the 6 AM screen. They were going to be mostly inspired by Final Nights 2. There was gonna be giant 3D text and the camera would fly into it at the end. Pretty unfitting for an NBD, actually.

With NBD taking obvious inspiration from FNaF 4 I decided to go harder on that and be different from the rest of the revivals by having FNaF 4's partial free-roam. You can go from your office position to the left and right door and to the monitor next to the left door. Only difference is, there would be no animation of the player moving to those other positions. I was okay with not adding that since I could carry over the point and click charm from Pirate Caverns.
If you're wondering why there's a left door in the first place, that's because I felt like NBD really should've had one as having an empty wall on the left would make looking to the left completely useless. I always wanted more fan games to have the whole "side to side" thing that all of the official FNaF games had going on.
Also, if you were wondering why there's a monitor next to the left door in V1-V2's office, it was actually supposed to be the camera monitor in V1. You would have to open the cameras by walking to it. I can't remember what the use of the cameras was, however. Most likely for Ortensia though.

While looking through the left and right doors you could also use a flashlight. Some characters' mechanics would be similar to Nightmare Bonnie's and Chica's from FNaF 4. You could check the hallways and get rid of the characters by shining the light at them, however if you would hear a heartbeat (which is the noise que that I wanted to go with instead of breathing) you would have to back up and do something else. For PNM's case, it's using the Mickey voodoo doll.

While in the center position of the office, there would be two icons on the bottom left corner for the Mickey and Oswald's voodoo dolls. You stab them by clicking on the icons and the same stabbing noise from V2 would play as well.

Nightmare Suicide Mouse, Face and Oswald were planned to appear in front of you from the window and middle door and you would have to use the voodoo dolls for them as well. However, Nightmare Acephalous and PNMinnie would be entering from the left and right hallways and I don't know what you were gonna do for them. Pretty sure the flashlight wouldn't work on them since they're headless. And as for Undying, I really got no clue. I'm pretty sure he's supposed to have the most unique mechanic out of all the enemies, but I really don't remember what it was.

The jumpscares were all actually fully animated within the office. They were all actually finished at the time. PNM even had two different jumpscares depending on from which hallway he attacked from. (One of them looked hilarious) And matter of a fact, NSM's jumpscare where he jumps at you from the window was actually taken from V1. However the rest of the jumpscares are all lost now, along with V1's MFA. They were all also using only NSM's jumpscare sound and would play in a completely different frame with white fading transitions playing in both the beginning and the end. The game over screen was also have the exact same blackness from V2, except without the flatline noise.

Back then, I thought V2 was better. But honestly? I think this version could've worked as something of a FNaF 4 ripoff. V2 just had too many unnecessary things going on.

Nightmare Before Disney V2

There isn't actually much I can say about this version, since I already released the demo version on this page. However, I can add more info about it here.

For a while I thought it would be cool if there was a FNaF fan game with 4 whole flip buttons, really just because that was rare to see.

There were 4 voodoo dolls because I thought that a single Mickey voodoo doll shouldn't be able to affect multiple characters, since voodoo dolls are initially made to mess with one person specifically. So of course, I made a whole tab for them.

I'm sure there were a lot of people that were confused by the "Play loud sound" button on the maintenance panel. This was actually going to be the defense mechanic against Nightmare Acephalous and PNMinnie. They would be afraid of loud noises and you would have to scare them away just like that. (Fun fact, this mechanic would've been carried over to a newer version of Six Nights at Beck's)

I'm sure Nightmare Disembodied and Daisy were going to make it into this game, thought I'm not sure what their defense mechanic was going to be. Probably the same as NBD 2016's, where you would have to just pull up the camera monitor. I don't remember what Undying's mechanic was going to be in this version either.

As you guys know, this game also featured voice acting for Nightmare PNM and Suicide Mouse. The voices were done by Jacket Josh. If you don't know who that is, he made some FNaTI fan games that pretty much fell into obscurity now. He was going to actually voice all of the nightmares in this game, except PNMinnie. In fact, I actually managed to find the voice lines I wrote for them in my old Google Drive. Though, they're still just as cringy, if not more.

God? There is no god.
God... Has fallen.
No god... Can help you.
No new god.
God... Will never rise again.

Leaving us here will never approve anything.
We all have hearts. Didn't you know that?
Hear us. Hear us. HEAR US
It won't help. It will never help.
You can't survive forever.

Your face... it reminds me of someone... *thinking* Jake?..
I know you here... No need to hide... <--- GRAMMAR ERROR LOL LOL LOL
Put these dolls away... You don't need them...
We are allways follow you... <--- GRAMMAR ERROR + SPELLING ERROR COMBO
We are coming...

Where are you?.. I need to do slice you... <--- You need to do what now???
Hello there...
I see you...
Where have you gone?.. We have not finished the business...
You can run... But you can't hide...
You have nowhere to hide...
I will find you... And I will kill you... <--- In case you didn't know, he's evil and wants to kill you.
Where... Where is that idiot...
*just some evil laughs*
*louder evil laughs*

This is really all I can add for V2.

Nightmare Before Disney V3

While this was the most ambitious out of all of them, you can pretty much call this an entire ripoff of Malrat's NBD V3, since his game was pretty much the playable version of NBD 2015 at the time.

Just so you guys know, this version is this:

(Yes, it used that one song from Slender The Arrival as the main ambiance)

The main menu would have NSM changing to PNM and back in front of a red background. It also had no menu jumpscare, from what I remember.

The game had an opening cutscene that's basically just a bootleg version of the opening cutscene from NBD V3. Jake is placed in an electric chair, dies then wakes up in the NBD building and notices the Treasure Island sign in the office. Except it's done with a lot less animation frames, since for some reason Clickteam crashed whenever I added more than 25 animation frames to an object at the time.

Instead of Your Subconsciousness talking to you through text on a monitor it would actually speak to you with a voice. That would be my voice, of course.

The game actually had its own map inspired by Malrat's game, made by Kasandryx, who apparently made the map specifically for me. Though apparently they forgot to make cam 4, so I had to make that camera myself. (it looked so bad)

The game would completely take the life supplies tab from Malrat's game, however there would be some mechanics added. There was the camera turning mechanic which I tried to give a purpose to but don't remember which. The flashlight would have a battery and you would have to use it by clicking on the entrances instead of hovering over them, and by the way, you could shine the light at the window too. Lastly, you could hide under the desk behind you. That mechanic was carried over to NBD 3 after all that time.

Most of the enemies would have similar mechanics from Malrat's V3 (Including Ortensia), except for 3 of them. NSM would appear at the window and you would have to shine the light at him to get rid of him. Face would also appear at the window, except you would need to get rid of him with the Mickey voodoo doll. Acephalous would also appear at the window, except you had to check if he's there using the flashlight. If he's there, you would have to hide under the desk. I'm pretty sure PNMinnie and Undying might've worked the same way, except they wouldn't appear at the window. Disembodied would also have an entering animation where he slides from the bottom, which was the inspiration for how I made Nightmare Ink-Blot Donald appear in the office in NBD 3.

The game was actually going to have a final boss. That being Nightmare MickMick and Terror both at once. Yes, there would be two final bosses stolen from Malrat and put into one night.

The boss fight was pretty lame. You would have to look for MickMick in one of the entrances, then use the Mickey voodoo doll. As for Terror, he would appear behind the bars and you would have to hide under the desk from him. The cameras were going to be completely useless. Either Watch Your 6 or Venta Black from Sister Location would also play in the background.

There would also be a hidden code somewhere in the game to go through a door. If you unlock it, you're gonna have to walk upstairs Sister Location style, then you would find yourself in the NBD V2 location () and would have to fight the Ink-Blots instead of the Nightmares in the true final night. However, I couldn't get the models of the Ink-Blots that were passed around at the time, so I tried to make my own designs. (Only one was made and it sucks)

I don't remember what kind of mechanics were going to be in this true final night, sadly.

After you beat the true final night, you go to the hole in the red room from V2. It shines white and Jake exits through it. The end.

This version actually had a demo made, but I never released it and could never find it. Sadly, it's lost media. That video I made on YouTube on my old account is all that's left of this version now.

Nightmare Before Disney V4

This version had little to nothing made for it.

If you remember those fleshy models of Nightmare PNM and SM I made on DeviantArt once, I was gonna use them for this.

I planned this game to have a gimmick where you could jump from one office to another. You had an office that looks like the actual NBD 2015 office and you could travel to an office that looks like NBD 2015's beta office. This was really just because I found the beta office fascinating when I found out about it.

The only thing that was ever made for the game was PNM's jumpscare. He would have a moving mouth and eyelids. Some might know I did actually make a jumpscare for him on DA, but the one I made for this 'game' was completely different and much better, at least movement wise.

And that's pretty much it for my NBD revivals that I tried to make. NBD 3 is going to remain as the only NBD game I'll ever make, especially since I'm not gonna do any more FNaTI games after Abandoned Reborn. However, I actually feel like I haven't shown enough about FNaTI 3.5 and 5.7. Soon I'll make devlogs that shows more images, sounds, possibly animations and game mechanics for those games... If I don't forget and when I feel like it, of course.

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POV: You decided to stop being a pussy and just improve it good job basil *thumbs up emoji*

By the way this is not a robot hand, it's just mechanical

New FNaTI 6.0 update is bonkers

monster how should i feel

Sprite isn't perfect I'll improve it later keep in mind this is not an original design


Where the hell did I get 10000 likes???

My reaction

POV: You suck


Comedic value + 100

felt like it