Comments (126)
just a question: who animated the fnati 2 legacy edition jumpscares?
the treasure island 5.7 build looks similar to this other game called the toon see image's

this is the toon

this is 5.7
Fnati 5.7 is better than fnati classic make it now but with full game with characters
D-Day Revival
My most known and most notorious old creation. This is a remake of an old and long, LONG cancelled FNaTI fan game that was heavily inspired by TRTF 5, originally created by Lillian/Twisty. However, due to lack of information I inspired this game off of Six Horrors 3 instead. This game is one of the reasons I was bullied so much on my second year of being on the internet. You'll see why. This game is really hard to play as the enemy AI completely relies on the game's timer.
A sort of 'teaser game' for D-Day R that talks about the protagonist's experience during the game. Each log can... supposedly... only unlock after beating certain floors. (nights)
NBD Early Access Demo
Before making D-Day R I tried to make my own depiction of Nightmare Before Disney by SubwooferX3. This game isn't as barely playable as D-Day R but still pretty damn buggy and still relies on the game's timer. I sent this build only to an ex-FNaFtuber named Alan's Game Show purely for attention.
Six Nights at Beck's
My first ever idea for a game, and probably the only one on this page that isn't FNaTI. The game is based on Mighty No. 9. Half the Mighty Numbers have fallen under control of some sinister virus, destroyed Dr. White's and Dr. Sanda's lab and disappear without a trace. Some time later a pizzeria with awfully convincing animatronics is built as a memorial to the Mighty Numbers and Dr. White goes to work as a security guard at the location.
Five Nights at Treasure Island: Suit Storage
A direct sequel to FNaTI 1.0 where Jake Smith quits working for the SSA and goes for a simple job as a security guard at a random storage facility. One day, the suits escape the locked down Treasure Island and break into the storage facility, cut the facility's power and unnoticeably kill all of Jake's co-workers. Jake is trapped in the facility for five nights.
Funny story: 2017's FNaTI owner, Blackout, once came to the comment section for this game and criticized it not for looking bad but for having suits instead of toons. I once thought to rename it to Toon Storage for the occasion but uhh, no. :)
Five Nights at Treasure Island 3: The Shadows of The Past
My own take on Malrat's original FNaTI 2 that was visually heavily inspired by FNaF 3. This game would combine the elements of Malrat's game with Smash Tomatoes' FNaTI: The Revenge, as well as adding something myself such as... A door. The game was actually worked on for quite a while, but only graphically. The biggest thing in this game was going to be every character having two jumpscare sounds.
Funtime at Mickey's
I don't even know why this is a thing, I guess I just wanted to implement Sister Location's control pads into a game and just went with this. (That was a thing in this game, it just wasn't coded) This game IS supposed to be canon to FNaTI as the suits/toons return in the "Melted" form. The biggest point in this game was having multiple menu themes, although they... ARE... Stolen.
Project 0
Definitely the least finished one on this page. This was supposed to be inspired by FNaTI: Room Zero by MarcoGames (Yes the one that's been dead for ages) and was actually taking place in a bunker this time beside me not knowing anything about the creepypasta. The main enemy was, ironically, called Zero Mouse, which was just Nightmare Suicide Mouse with a longer mouth and giant spike legs. I stopped caring about this thing VERY soon.
Was first made in 2017 when FNaTI 4.0 was in development, for the reason of my old toxic behavior towards one of the old FNaTI owners. The camera shut off mechanic was replaced by camera flashes and hiding under the desk and shutting down the power were combined into one mechanic with it's own panel. The worst parts about this game are the amount of stolen fan made sounds, stolen story, overuse of bumpmapping and AI that depends entirely on the game's timer, but not as much as D-Day R.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 3.5
A reboot of ABANDONED that goes into my chain of FNaTI remakes as my fourth FNaTI remake. The story, much like ABANDONED, takes Malrat's old FNaTI story and changes it up a bit. I called it 3.5 simply because I wasn't allowed to call it a 5.0. You sure are self-confident, Lian. This game was also going to be remade as 5.7's equivalent of a classic mode, but it turned out to be too much work.
A Week With Badniks Troll Game
I once had an idea for a Sonic FNaF fan game where Tails' workshop gets destroyed so he works as a security guard in Eggman's factory while Eggman is missing to get enough money for repairs. Sonic would also be the phone guy and him and Tails would have fully voiced dialogues. This troll game got the voice actors, but no one else cared at all. The real game was being coded, but I lost the project file for it.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 5.0 Alpha Remake
A test of mine made somewhere during 5.7's development. This was my depiction of a finished 5.0 V2, featuring new stuff such as ME as GREG!, edited 1.0 voice lines And a menu jumpscare.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 5.7
My fifth FNaTI remake and the very game that got me into Radiance, both coding and animation wise. This game was meant to be a tribute to FNaTI fan games as a whole, and an attempt to make a game almost entirely by myself. However, I had to cancel it, as I ended up having no fun making it at all. Plus the story was too cheesy.
FNaTI 5.7 Troll Game
My excuse for April Fools Day. It teases MickMick. HAS A VERY LOUD SOUND.
This page is dedicated to my old games that I was making back when I was a 14 year old who's mind just couldn't stop exploding with random ideas that make no sense. Some other dumb ideas that I could potentially make later will go here too.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed