11 months ago

- "netflix is full of shit, what is 'the lost pyramid'? how could they lose a pyramid??"

- "where is north? how long to get there"

- "ok but when does the Hubble telescope come back?"

top 3 things said to me in the past 24 hours (different people)



Next up

this WOULD NOT leave my recommended feed.


just realized the image for the IRL realm is touching grass. was it always like that??

in a hotel room

on my laptop

looked up to find the most suspicious looking lamp ever

When you wake up at 3am and you remember that embarrassing thing you did in school when you were 13

there is no grass to touch

out of 2490 lines of code changed.

just end me.

"I had a stroke reading that"

I know its been a while, but here is a small video a did based on something someone by the name "matt rose" did

in my head THIS is the spiritual precursor to Fortnite, and it had the best ost.

rip battlefield heroes, you are still missed
