13 days ago

Never buy no Persona 3 from the gas station bruh

Just a little P3 fangame I'm workin' on. Check out the game page here:




Next up


I love adding easter eggs.

Weekly Progress Report #2: fuck

Weekly Progress Report #4: 0̸̲͆1̷̹̓1̵̜͆1̶̟͊0̷̿ͅ1̶̤͝1̴͚̓0̵͓̇ ̷͎̏0̶̗̉1̷̢̄1̴̖̀0̶̛̼1̶̭̍0̴̗̀0̵̢̓1̷̖͘ ̸̗̕0̸̼̆1̸̪̔1̸͎̊0̶̹͂0̴̩̚0̵̠͠1̴̱̀1̶̟͘ ̸̦̊0̸͑ͅ1̵̮͋1̷̘̃1̷̢̀0̷͙̀1̴̦͠0̶̩̔0̵͎͐ ̶͖̽0̶̲̏1̸̮̉1̵̹̄0̴̡̀1̸͚̔0̴̛̬0̴̟̿1̸̡̊ ̶̨̑0̵͎͊1̵̘͘1̷͓͝0̷̙̓1̵̨̛1̴͙̋0̷̜͛1̴͑͜

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Wow guys I somehow was able to make a demo for the full game so here it is haha dont look at the date though its not importent haha go download it here: https://gamejolt.com/games/ToyFreddys_Imprudent_Purgatory/763970…

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Small Update:

Weekly Progress Report #3: Corruption

@balmut is a Jolter to Watch! They post great game dev updates! Follow them before the quest ends on October 15 and you'll get Coins!

Weekly Progress Report #5: skcjaljfqklwjdfa