Vagrus - The Riven Realms

4 days ago

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.176

Hey everyone,

This week’s update addresses several issues that we’ve been aiming to fix since our last patch. It also adds several new small Quality of Life features that further streamline UI and UX elements across the board. Alongside this, we are continuing to work hard on our coming DLC, and will endeavor to share more about it as we move closer to the end of the development cycle.

As has become habit, Vagrus is currently taking part in Steam’s TurnBasedFest, which marks the occasion of our final sale before price increases come into effect for Sunfire and Moonshadow and the Season Pass. So, if you’ve been on the fence about jumping into our newest content or have a friend who you want to introduce to the Riven Realms, you can make it happen for the old price with a discount to boot.


The detailed patch notes are below, as usual.

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.


Patch 1.176

New or Updated Features

  • Improved the particle effects on the campaign map.

User Interface Improvements

  • From now on, Perk category Event choice dependencies also indicate whose Perks are required (vagrus only, whole comitatus) just like in Tests.

  • Changed the display of Quality dependencies without an added Quality level requirement so that they are easier to understand (the tooltip will no longer refer to a 0 requirement).

  • When starting a new game, the dialogue options of Agos can now be navigated by using number keys on the keyboard. We also added hover highlighting to them.

  • Removed the redundant X button from the Hunting and Foraging Results window.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Companion Combat Skills that forced the target to move (for example, Javek’s Hypnosis) to have no effect when the target was surrounded by other entities. Now the target can swap places with every eligible character when forced to move.

  • Fixed a rare issue that caused the Ahskulite Retinue not to disembark, blocking players from passing through Realmgates and in general causing a lot of headaches. Ahskul disapproved, though He is sated now.

  • The right side Character Sheet in Companion Combat that is supposed to be empty when no enemy is selected will no longer display Renkailon’s stats (sorry Ren!).

  • Fixed an issue with controllers (including Steamdeck) that caused Events happening upon leaving a settlement/point of interest to immediately activate entry into that place.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Game Log to display the wrong information (stat changes) related to Camping if it was canceled.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Character Sheet to be missing its background when opened during Hero Select.

  • Fixed an issue that caused overwatch-type attacks to not trigger when an enemy is force-moved into the overwatched position.

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to switch between summoned entities or close the window on their Character Sheets when using a controller.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the radial menu to be open when returning to the campaign map from the Main Menu.

  • You can no longer softlock the game during the Deputy tutorial.

  • You can no longer accidentally (or intentionally if you knew how) skip the Outrider tutorial.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to move farther in Forced March than they had MPs for if using double clicking.

As ever, more is coming, so stay tuned, and conquer the wasteland!

- The Lost Pilgrims Team

If you like Vagrus, please consider sharing our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). It is much appreciated! 

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Next up

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.172 Codename: Victorious

Lost Pilgrims "Old Acquaintances" Release Team Gathering

Arenas Negras Menu Background with Old Acquaintances Release

The Hotfix and Our DLCs

Vagrus Feedback and Coverage Round-up

Coming QoL Changes and Improvements

Our Dedicated Demo (Prologue) Page

Lost Pilgrims at Fighting Fantasy Fest 5

Quality of Life: Key Bindings and Comitatus UI

Chunky DLCs and Price Increases