CYRO NIGHT'S: As Above So Below
3 years ago

New casts.

As heard. The rumors that the Jollibee gang are going to be in the game on meme land. Have been a myth since today.

Well.. Here is the answer to that question.

Yes. The Jollibee gang is in Project redacted. But only a few.

there are in total 8 casts of the jollibee's gang. here are their models that are WIP.

LADY MOO (Forgotten character)


Doesn't look like a cow. right? Due to the copyright of ivanG, None of us want that. lol. so we decided to turn the facial structure of the cow. into a broken and bear type. her name is NOT going to be lady moo in the game. her name is going to be "Mr. Poo"... lol.. he looks like a bear.

this is not a reference to Winnie the poo. never will be.

THE CHAMP (Forgotten and reborn)


This is just an older model of "Knuckles" He is not The champ. He does not look like flumpty dumpty. never will be.

That is all for today. Stay the course.



Next up


How are the test results on Coso going?

I don't know. We just wanted to try and recreate a paint version of RubRob as jollibee :skull:

u ever look at sumbody an jus wanna:

Let's not forget about him..

Just a few more guys.. A FEW MORE!

Hello! Here is a teaser of District 6! ( in a blended version.. )



i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Another house i made long time ago.