Claudia Plus

27 days ago

New Changelog!! YAY ( crosspost)

​Hiya everyone, there are some changes I wanted to share in regard to the next update of this (as of now) prototype:

There were some problems in the previous versions:

(internal Windows Build)​​Online HTML5 Web Version- Removed the Android compatibility code (temporary)
- Removed old model data, source code comments and misc assets left over from the old engine
* moved the title screen code into the last scene
+ added a different physics collider for the player to take better prop damage
+ added better scaling for FHD and 4K displays (previously capped at HD or 720p/i which made the game scale poorly on FHD+ monitors)
+ added boulders and metal creates (different weight)
​- Removed the Android compatibility code (temporary)​ <- causes instability and bugs on the web version
- Removed old model data, source code comments and misc assets left over from the old engine​
(+) added title menu (which is inaccessible right now)
+ added a different physics collider for the player to take better prop damage​
* Windows Build scale check (but not proper scaling, it's stuck at 4:3 aspect ratio)
+ added boulders and metal creates (different weight)​

feel free to read into this for a better technical insight because I might open source this project :), or at least the scaling scripts and such as they are to my knowledge pretty optimised (imagine this running in modern GameMaker: Studio :P).

I currently do not plan to build this project in GMS 2.3 since I personally am not a big fan of the modern GameMaker ​workflow and IDE structure (it feels like floating in a void or perhaps sitting on a raft in the middle of the ocean, could be good for some, but my monitor only gets this big haha). (As of writing this post)The game will reside in GameMaker: Studio 1.4.

I hope you all have an amazing day and have fun!

Best Regards




Next up

Who f-ing emailed my game to someone?!

Made some improvements

what do y'all think of this new menu layout?


HUUUUH? I'm literally 18 years old? I'm confused rn

Making improvements (Cross-posted from (README)

Finally after like 3 years collisions are fixed and the tables wont fall into the ocean womp womp

Latest Menu

Love y'all lmao