Friday Night Funkin': Custom Catastrophe

2 years ago

New Character Reveal: Eduardo (Aka the divisive well well well guy)



Next up

hold up it turned blue?

Spamton NEO Design for @BuilderyDev .

He just wants you to touch his [PIPIS].

...that came out wrong but idc.

ok so basically the fnf boyfriend is name is Cam apparently...

and what're my thoughts on the matter?

a totally normal camera

i think

it exists thats all that matters lol

New Character(s): The Arrows!

I hate that i made this, let alone thought of it.

Anyone got a name?

New Character: Cam (Aka Cannon-Named BF)

oh look, l o r e !

rizz? nah.

[Attractiveness] is where its at.

(...oh wait, its the same thing-)

do you ever just wanna work on a game but you’re too busy doing so or if you actually get inspired to do so you get the game developers version of art block or the inspiration runs dry so quickly that it’s really not that significant? that’s me tbh.