Fun Time In The Forest (F.I.T.F)
7 months ago

new co owner + update

so, to start off yes you read right we got a new owner for the game. he's here to help us do a lot of things to move the game forwards. for example, has going to help us divide the game into gropes to be more organized. and a lite update and reminder we have a patron it is there so i can pay my staff no revenue goes to me or the co-owner as of this moment. we have a new concept artist he drew up Oscor in a creepier showbiz way so we may be redoing Oscor's design. he also did Josephs concept art.

thanks for the long wait for this update and if I don't have another one by the end of this year have a happy new years. this upcoming year is most likely going to be the games most productive year.

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Next up

occurs endo is being modeled

this is the map for the demo

The start of Oscar being modeled

Oscor head is almost done should expect more update on the model this weekend

so this is a big jump in the model progress but here you go Oscor's almost finished sute. endo and textures are next

some consept art leak by the owner!!!!! jk just giving you guys something to put you on your tosses

some sceches for rooms

heres the camra map

oscor's model is done

he's watching