Veredilia: The Sacred Forest

4 years ago

New enemies completed

Hi there guys, it has been a bit of a while. Sorry I have not posted updates in a while, but I just spent the last few weeks working on some of the new enemies for the first level of the game, Misty Viewside. We're at the home stretch now guys.

The new enemies will be replacing the ones from the old demo and are as follows:

  • Mantis Warriors: The main grunt enemies of the stage. Will charge at you and slash you with their blade arms.

  • Jade Moths: Flying in the skies, they will shoot a purple energy ball in the player's direction if spotted.

  • Mantis Leaders: Same as Mantis Warriors except they are stronger, have golden armour and blades, and control groups of Mantis Warriors and Jade Moths. When they are killed, every enemy it commands will be instantly killed as well.

  • Hornet Chasers: Will charge at the player towards their direction if spotted. They have a black and yellow colour scheme.

  • Hornet Stingers: Shoots a small fireball towards the player when spotted. They have a black and indigo colour scheme.

  • Shells: Will walk around and hide in their shell after a while, at which point they cannot be attacked. When spotted by the player, they will spin into a ball and roll towards the player. They possess a blue coloured shell.

  • Thorn Shells: Weaker than the standard Shells, but are more defensive. They have a red coloured shell which is covered with spikes which will injure the player upon contact. Will hide in its shell for a while if the player sees them.



Next up

Releasing the source code for my old Sonic fan games

New Stages in the works!

Glacial Caverns gameplay

Back in business

Brand new cover art!

New Splash Screen Animation

100 GameJolt Page Follows!

SAGE 2023 + New cover art

Game is almost ready!

Special Announcement: New Demo on the way!