2 years ago

New fangame annoucment.

The sprite you are seeing rn is only a prototype so keep that in mind atm, k?

The fangame is called Undertale Fun 101, as the fun level is now 101 and surpassed the 100 limit.

The character for the game is called the Fortune teller, he 'predicts' the future by drawing a card and showing it to Frisk/Chara (i plan for a Geno, Pacifist and Neutral ending), so say the card shows bones, it'd be Papyrus' attacks (but depends if it's Geno, Geno=Sans attack Pacifist=Papyrus attack).

There isn't much for an idea of HOW you encounter him, but i'll figure smth out.

His design is destined to change, but some things will be staying, the lack of a body except for hands and a head, i want the head to be less gastery and the pose will be different since it ain't interesting at the moment innit?

Peace - Crunchy Artso/ Artso arto

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