Welcome To Razzy's

24 days ago

new reference just dropped



Next up

The last member of the band has arrived now too! ^o^

One last devlog before I leave again, don't mind the images, I rushed it-

Also I'm sorry I couldn't really provide you with any images this time :')

The highlight of my day yesterday

Was a big step for me because of my fear of height 💪💥

Sugar the Cat

Imagine waking up at midnight to a heavy storm knocking on your door and your NINA app sending you two alarms

Please read the article!

I will be more and more happy to do anything fnaf related! NOTHING BIG

To who still has open commissions: I'm working on them right as I'm posting this 🙏

have a little sneak peek of what I'm working on while i finish it (:

Financially struggling again sooo uhhh

I offer 10€ icon commissions

Rendering would be another 5€

If this is considered self-promo I'm sorry in advance

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

I haven't been at my best lately and I don't have much that I can post so here's some vent art I did recently