Fixed X-FTS missing mistake sounds.
Fixed behaviour of empty room masks.
Fixed behaviour of opacity in decoration tint events.
Fixed window dance "shake" behaviour. Used to not shake within certain circuimstances. (could be visible on 2-x)
Fixed dialogue text animation for vector fonts.
Fixed 5-X song volume being multiplied twice.
Attempted fix at 5-X and 5-2N first load desync.
Fixed missing glitch sfx in 5-X on Linux systems.
Fixed button and hand animations on level start.
Lucky no longer moonwalks in the CLS background. During the main menu, you could see lucky being flipped causing him to walk backwards.
Fixed floating text events not being able to be called by tag action.
Fixed CPU marker selection in the level editor.
Fixed event control hover tooltips persisting after changing tabs in the level editor.