1 month ago

New schedule (notepad clutch rn)



Next up

Yeah don't let me take the lead

Playing The walking dead rn and resident evil village later ---- https://kick.com/imliterallyleon

This weeks stream schedule. first time playing red dead so that'll be fun

With Minecraft's 12th anniversary I figured I'd share a fond #MinecraftMemory from my Channel!

A short series from 7 YEARS AGO! I really enjoyed The Yogscast Minecraft series & wanted to have a go at my own


I'm a little bit late but Youtube stream and roblox rn Join the stream here ---- https://kick.com/imliterallyleon

Hover Blocks...must be a reason 🤔💭🤦‍♂️ #TearsOfTheKingdom

Come watch me fail terribly in the zombie apocalypse or join in with me! I have my own server! Join the stream here

Kick: https://kick.com/imliterallyleon

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/imliterallyleon

Finally made a stream schedule that isn't in notepad This is the schedule for the week of 4/22 oh yeah all the streams start at 6PM CDT (forgot to add that )

Ekrcoaster recently dropped a public beta of his game -Venge, which I had the pleasure of playing Act 1 last year. I'm excited to see how Act 0 has been recreated. Let's see what's new Batty Bats!

🦇Links in article!🦇

Playing Terraria with viewers! Join the stream here ---- https://kick.com/imliterallyleon