Howdy y'all
I can't believe it has been 10 years already
To celebrate this special occasion, we will be doing a few things surprises
New Stickers

- Our security guards Samuel, Samantha and Phone Bot are now available as sticker rewards from the sticker packs.
Grab them while you can as they will only be available till August 9th.
Then 2 new characters will be added on the 10th and the Faz Band will return to the packages soon after :)
Avatar Frames

That's right, now you can have this fancy frames on your profiles and be a part of our guest list with the Cake Time frame or one of our watchfull guards with the Faz Surveillance Camera frame.
If you don't have the funds to get some that's okay as well. Since this is a time of gifting I'll be hosting an FAZTASTICAL ART CONTEST
The prompt is: Draw the FNaF 1 gang celebrating the 10th anniversary
The rules are simple
1. The art must have the #faztasticalContest tag on it and must be published on the Fazbear Rebrand Community;
2. AI art and NSFW art is strictly prohibited, and will be desqualified.
3. You must prove the art is yours and not from the internet, layers, timelapses, the works.
10 lucky contestants that will be rewarded with one of the avatar frames if they win :)
The deadline is till August 8th, so get ur pencil, tablet, computer and get drawing :D
That's all from me at the moment, if you have questions please ask on the comments below, that out of the way enjoy the FNaF Anniversary and i'll see you guys on the flipside :D
Arc Out