Dark Deception Torment Therapy (Fan-Made)
4 years ago

New Torment Therapy Update!

v2.0.0 | Zone 2 + Boss Fight

I'm very proud to announce that the new update for Torment Therapy which you could consider the 'full release' is now here! The reason I say 'full release' is because this new update adds the highly anticipated Zone 2 and Boss fight with Matron!

Below is a list of all the features of the game which can also be found in the information document upon downloading the game:

-Reaper Nurse AI

-Fully playable Torment Therapy level including Zones 1, 2, and a Boss Fight.

-All powers unlocked and usable (including Vanish)

-Options, extras, guide and pause menu

-Different traps/hazards

-Updated/optimized graphics

Even though the game has been tested thoroughly before release, a few bugs may have slipped into the game so if you find anything or have suggestions to improve it more, then please feel free to leave them!

And if you want to continue to support the game, spread the word, and make videos if you can. Thank you everyone who has supported me in making this game including @GlowstickEntertainment for creating Dark Deception!



Next up

Welcome to Those Halloween Nights!

Please make sure to read the post for more information!


Some new teasers for 400+ followers!

New Teasers!

Teasers for my new project!

(And of course another status update).

The page for the new game is now up.

Go check it out!

An update! (Not an actual release though).

Some new teasers for 300+ followers!

Gameplay Teaser #1

700+ Followers!