The Abnormalities of Agony
5 years ago

New Update/Patch! v0.2

While this is a smaller update, I tried to add as many new things as I could to keep it interesting.

This new update includes:

  • Bug fixes (with Freddy's AI, ranking, etc.)

  • Improved some gameplay features (breaking barriers, tips, objectives, and added chase music).

  • Added some props to the map.

  • Update the options menu.

  • Added WIPs of the Extras and Acts menus.

  • Added secrets (they count towards your rank, but don't unlock anything yet).

Of course it's still an alpha so if there are still bugs then remember to report them!

EDIT: The chase music is Scared of a Little Girl from the Dark Deception OST and is currently just a placeholder. It will be changed later on.



Next up

The game is now out!

More information coming soon...

Some new teasers for 400+ followers!

Teasers for my new project!

(And of course another status update).

New Teasers!

An update! (Not an actual release though).

Welcome to The Abnormalities of Agony!

Some new teasers for 300+ followers!

Welcome to Those Halloween Nights!

Please make sure to read the post for more information!


700+ Followers!