Treasure Island Retake Chapter 2: Nightmare After Disney (UNOFFICIAL CANCELLED SEQUEL))
6 months ago

New Years Eve Devlog

@BudCat64XD got the riddle right! The character I was talking about was George the Eyesore from A:DI 2.0. He along with a few more characters will be added to an Oblitus Casa like Challenges Menu, along as custom night exclusive characters!


The reason for their inclusion in a challenges menu is that:

That's will how you will unlock them in custom night

Coding Blabber

I found a really useful Turbowarp extension that lets you save data without using any save codes at all! I'll be using this extension because:

  • The passcode system was overall annoying to go through for me and others.

  • There could be people possibly cheating out the nights

  • It was janky in general

Other Stuff

Major spoiler




Next up

as suggested by @msmfnafboi

a very crude drawing of Cabin Face

Does anyone else remember this version? No?... We made a sticker pack for it anyway! Celebrate June by collecting stickers of the FNaTI 5.0 models! Get them before the month ends...

New Menu!

I learned how to color!

workin on a Toon Mickey base

This will be for a microgame

Small Update (06/29/2024) we forgot them

@Starmapo i finna make them even more rizzy just watch