Unamed FPP Parkour Game
4 years ago

Next Update will be HUGE! It will be the Complete Project, sad that we aren't getting an update for a long time but we are getting a HUGE Update soon.

This update contains the menu mouse glitch fixed, it will also contain 10 levels. I did this because

  1. I didn't want to put a changelog every time I added a level

  2. I felt like this would be faster

There is good that comes with this, now you will get a final build faster.



Next up

I am working on a 4th, and final ability, a rocket jump. Using trails I have demonstrated the size difference between a normal jump, and rocket jump

Remember this thing, well he's back to end your level again.

Coming soon to your local GJ Page.

(psst, its not a wave map)

Image is not final. I am announcing that I am making another secret level. The image is the new level, its a throwback to my parkour game.

The new parkour level is gonna be released soon. Here's a video showcasing it

Its been a couple months since I first became a dev on Game Jolt, and I have tried to make a decent FPS for a long time, I released the game in the first picture a couple months ago, but have fun looking at these pictures, the last one is my current game.

thats new

I was going for a certain look with this level.

I think I did a good job with it

Floppy Death?

The black weird thing in the corner is the game status, but I decided to remove that.

If it doesn't play for you, here is the link to download the video:

Heres a sneak peak at the next update