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Unamed FPP Parkour Game

Version: 1.0.0about 4 years ago

#platformer #firstperson A serious First Person Parkour game, you have a wall run, and a hookshot, what else could help you get through some seriously hard parkour. Not only do you have an incredible set of movement options, but you have a couple of great abilities ready to get you through the game

Ability 1 Zoom: You can hold [Q] to float in the air

Ability 2 Slow Motion: Press [R] to play in slow motion, can help with precise jumps.

Ability 3 Freeze: You can hold [F] to stay frozen, you can't move, but you can look around, very helpfull for planning movement.

Ability 4 Rocket Jump: Was anyone expecting this, I don't think so, just because you don't have guns doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to Rocket Jump. Press [X] to fly up in the air, a demonstration of the jumps is in the devlog.

[E] is the hookshot button.


still doesn't have a name lol. Review in the article

I have some good news, and some bad.

Bad News: This game is cancelled. Yeah I know, it is sad

Good News in the Article

Next Update will be HUGE! It will be the Complete Project, sad that we aren't getting an update for a long time but we are getting a HUGE Update soon.


Version 0.3.0: Added Level 2: Push

Demo has been updated!

Version 0.2.0: Added Level 1: Rising. Fixed a huge rotation bug. Changed the death system