3 months ago

Ngl I wish there were more girls at my school that were more like me

You know not gossipy, pick me superficial bitches that only care about themselves and put others down for being different which basically sums up my year group

Yap session incoming

The amount of hypocrisy is insane like you wanna make fun of someone for maybe being nerdy or god forbid maybe being a furry yet your sitting her with stick on eyelashes and smoke lungs with skin more orange then Donald trump and are making fun of them

I honestly feel bad for those people I use to think stuff like that was weird but you know what I did learn to just not judge people on things they like because that doesn’t mean they’re like a group for example hazbin hotel or my hero acidema fandoms I won’t mock individuals for liking those because it’s just something they like

I hate this generation and how quickly we are to judge people and mocking someone in a daily basis for being abit different just hits a nerve that boils my blood like Jesus YALL would make terrible parents



Next up



Shit… I wanna kiss him

I give up on this but the basic concept is octo comforting yourself nothing deep

you know your average oku angst posting

decided to go out of my comfort zone and draw something i dont usually draw :3

hope you like it!


Someone told me to make them kiss so I did I ain’t no bitch👹👹👹


i gave myself a 2 hour limit for this one and i think it turned out pretty decent :3

Got bored here’s some boobs to keep the goobers at bay

and I wanted to practice drawing them because I have free will

I got bored so I did the thing I DID THE THING

loser (reposted from twitter)

This shit about to go HARD