Series: Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (2015)
Originally Voiced by Tim Simmons (Nightmare Freddy)
Ingame Mechanic:
Nightmare Freddy: He will go first during the night he will try to breakdown the power generator with a warning sign. shock him to let him away. (and don't worry the generator shocker does not waste power)
N.Freddy will stay till last hours in 3AM Up To 4AM
Nightmare Foxy: He will replace freddy during 3AM And 4AM this time he will try to break down the ventalation in the same generator room but this time scare him with a audio cue on the generator camera. (sound equals random)
Voiced by: Julian Deshazer (Freddy And Foxy)
IT'S A FACT: They are both two characters in one thing basically nodded by two toon versions of street fighter characters.
(Noded Hint: The text on top.)