Alright boys the results are in, and out of the 33 people that voted, a whooping 64% of people wanted me to break the silence.
Fortunately, I'm still alive, living life as per usual.
And what a year it has been, right?
Since October of 2021, I've had a vision. A vision to make a video game that I could look upon fondly. A vision to entertain and have a fun time doing it, pushing my various strengths to their limits. I've spent countless hours writing, scripting, programming, drawing, composing, and brainstorming to provide a fun experience for me and everyone else who wishes to play.
And now, today, this vision has not shifted. This is still a hobby I'm crazy passionate in, only this time, there are tons of people very willing to help me with my endeavors. And I'm thankful for that.
I'm writing all of this in one take can you tell

(Fanart by @CreepaBotInc )
However, at this specific point in time, I'm a bit worried.
To be frank, I was going to try and brief you all on the specifics of my dillema, but to avoid getting too personal, let's just say there was some construction going on in my room, and there's dust in my CPU. As a result, it's running quite slow, and it even bluescreens sometimes.
This has had a effect on Nil's Fine Game. There files for the demo are... fubar. Corrupt beyond repaid. So there's no going back to it. Occasionally, one or two files will corrupt in the main game as well.
I mainly worry that it'll ruin the base game, as well as corrupt any music or sprite files that I need. I even have backups on Google Drive, but those seem to be corrupting too...
So, yeah. That's a thing.
I've ordered Compressed Air in order to clean out my CPU, and hopefully fix this problem
But for now, we'll have to wait and see.
But, despite these, minor and/or major setbacks, the game itself is, going well! I've been making progress on the new area, I've implemented new mechanics that I really enjoy, and the new enemies are a lot of fun to fight, too!
I like where it's going, and assuming I get my computer fixed, it'll be a good time!

Yeah, that's basically it from me.
2022 has been a bit of a forced learning curve for me, and I couldn't be more greatful for the fans, the friends, and the family.
Thanks for sticking around so long, and thanks for reading.
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