
Comments (94)

What do you think?

this game sucks i hate this game ihate nil

If you rearrange the letters in "the meaning of life" you get "the fine game of nil." Thanks Vsauce.

wow can't wait

The demo was very fun & I hope this goes far

You sure I can't play this on chromebook?


Nil's Fine Game (Demo) // Windows Desktop

Version: 1.3.2over 2 years ago
Nil's Fine Game for Windows 10. Made with Godot.

A story of a mentally ill child trying to learn how to communicate.


Your name is PETER RICHARD PETERS. You are fifteen years old, you have an affinity for electronic music, and you REALLY LIKE THE COLOR PURPLE. You haven't been diagnosed, but you often SEE THINGS THAT ARE NOT THERE, specifically a NOT-SO-IMAGINARY FRIEND WHO NEVER SHUTS UP, whilst STRUGGLING WITH YOUR SOCIAL SKILLS. And you are both on a quest. A quest to FIGHT THE FALSE GOD.

...but not before fetching some bread for your parents, of course.


- Story-driven gameplay! Tense turn-based combat! A diverse and original cast of characters!

- Multiple ways to play! Already beat the game? Try again but do something different! You might end up finding something new.

- A rich, multilayered world of danger and adventure! So far confined to exactly two layers because it's a demo! What did you expect! That's still one more than you probably get in real life!

- Communication!

- Communication, but again for emphasis! Seriously, be nice to strangers and even nicer to friends. The world's dangerous, you should really be careful who you piss off.

- She, your only (imaginary) (hallucinated) friend! Yes, "She", the pronoun! She floats! She reads minds! She pops in and out of reality like a balloon as she pleases (often at inconvenient moments)! You will never make her go away as long as you are alive and she knows it! She! Yeah!

- Meticulous attention to detail - this two-hour-long game has been in development for over a year. Not to brag, but... this is not a careless project!

- More to come! The game is just a demo right now - we're barely getting started! Stay tuned for constant updates on the future of Nil!



  • tayN

  • CDracolich

  • Skyblu

  • Lemonade


  • tayN

  • Skyblue

  • newbie (Game over screen)

  • Portel (Bloop overworld)


  • tayN

  • Skyblu

  • Corthon


  • tayN

  • ben "piston"


  • tayN

  • Neo Champion

  • Haloboi3


  • Neo Champion

  • Skyblu

  • Lemonade

  • CDracolich

  • sprunkly

Game by tayN

Description assistance by CDracolich

Thanks for reading, and have fun.

#adventure #rpg #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

NIL'S FINAL DEVLOG JUNE 2023 // A freeing sensation

NIL'S FINE DEVLOG DECEMBER 2022 // Beginning Anew

Updates on the demo have almost entirely concluded.

Development on the main game has begun.


NIL'S FINE PATCHNOTES 11/24: No longer available on Mac. Haha.

The Macintosh build proves unstable in some aspects. Play at your own risk.