Repainted in Gold
2 years ago

No demo release? Kinda.

At the end, I've been thinking about not releasing a public demo. But what does this all mean?

First off, why?

I really feel like the demo, as of now a least, it doesn't offer enough content to have a positive first look at what the actual final game should be like.

Also, the game's development has been slowed down A LOT while preparing it for a public demo release and it just didn't pay off at all. But I did not put in all this work for nothing, y'know...

With this, I meant to tell you that you'll still be able to play it! Infact, I've decided that only the people who reach Grade 7 in my discord server will receive an exclusive role and... a build of Repainted in Gold to test out!

And how can you get that role you may ask; well, you just need to talk and be a trustworthy member! It doesn't even take that much if that's what concerns y'all :D.

Click here to join the server

See ya there :)



Next up

I like this youtuber

Kinda sick rn, so I took a day off to work on this game basically all day.

Also say hi to this goober! You've probably seen him somewhere, haven't you? :)

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!


I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

Rat Race Production Update

A shattered golden heart,

And a destiny worse than death.

Thanks to KSI for making the best Repainted in Gold's track so far!!!!


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!