On the GTS in Pokemon Gen 6 (XY/ORAS), there's been a problem with people hacking it and putting up impossible trades for shinies to piss people off who just want to play the game and advertise their Discord/YT/Insta/whatever, as well as one chadette named "FunkyGamerYT" who gives away shiny Lv. 100 hard-to-get Pokemon for Zigzagoons.
This has been going on for years now with no stop, but as of a few days ago, they've reached a new level. Articuno doesn't work.
Every time you try and look for Articuno on the Gen 6 GTS, the game crashes and your 3DS has to restart. I shit you not, it keeps fucking happening. No other Pokemon does this. I have no fucking clue what's going on, but it's pissing me off, ESPECIALLY since I don't actually HAVE one, and I need one for my National Dex.