Sorry, I know i’ve been away for a while and haven’t posted any updates. I had some things to deal with and worked on other projects to clear my head for a while. Plus juggling between this and work hasn’t been easy. But i’m still working on this game.
About a month or two ago I decided to start over from scratch and scrap the other maps from the previous versions and just about everything else. This time I’ve started on a story mode. The first level is about 99% complete with a few tweaks here and there. But decided it was still too small to put out as an update so I’ve started working on the following level. After that’s done I’ll put out a new version to see what people think of it.
So far I’ve made:
significant changes to the level design and architecture
some improvements in gameplay
changes in AI behavior
different model for the creature (although still a placeholder and will be asking a friend to design me an original concept)
new mechanics involving pills and sanity meter (still improving this though, but it will be out on the next version)
And hopefully, if I can find some voice actors I’m planning on having dialog by the next update as well.
For now here are a few early screenshots.