16 days ago

Nothing's better than the feeling of Scratch saying there's a bad word in your description, even after editing them all out and don't even bother to tell you what the problem is



Next up

Wip 2

removed the birthday hats bc i'm sick and tired of drawing them with those everytime


ok wip

probably gonna be done with this tomorrow. which is good because Boiboi came out on the 9th and the 10th for some reason

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

attendance is gonna be crazy for this poor soul later in life

Happy two year anniversary for my first ever major game!

Really looking forward to coming back to this series!

Been reading up on Garfield comics this past week

Binged through a year of this year comics without laughing once only to go back the the 1989 strips and immediately dying at this

damn even their name is a fucking sonic reference I can't take this anymore