Marilyn & Co.
3 months ago

Now Hiring!

We are now hiring new people to join Marilyn Incorporated!

But you have to be willing to work for free, because:

1: I'm poor.

2: I'm poor.

And 3: I'm also poor.

We'll need a coder, a secondary music artist, and a male voice actor who sounds like Adam from Hazbin Hotel.

So, if you're willing to work for free and you're great at anything of these things, hit me up!

Thank you for at least thinking about it!

~ Marilyn Inc.



Next up

There was an inside joke I made during a DavidBaron live stream, and Pastra read it, so naturally I had to make this! PASTRA FOR PRESIDENT!

M&C Fun Fact 30:

Attention male humans!

We are in need of a male voice actor!

Read the article!

Drawing Room 1 has been updated!

(Update notes are in the article)

We've come to post about an essential rule in our communities, and that is, for example: If you want to post in the M&C community, it is REQUIRED that said post is related to M&C!

The newspaper has been redesigned!

(Update notes are in the article)

Thank you all so much for getting Marilyn & Co: PiZzA sHoOtEr to 100 views, it really means a lot to us!

We need a new security guard! Will you apply?

Happy Pride Month, you glamorous people!!! 💛