The Sonic The Hedgehog community on GameJolt are AT LONG LAST give us some so desired QUESTS!!

Now I have MOAR of those precious Sonic-themed stickers by the almighty Pixel Senpai!!

Hope it's NOT the last time fans can have cake and can eat it))

Happy Birthday, Sonic!!



Next up

Sonic Generations Classic Engine




You know Sonic the hedgehog? πŸ˜€


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

#CrashBandicoot in Fortnite?

Seriously, why not?! He even has the freaggin' BAZOOKA!

Let him #ComeToTheIsland



Sonic Heroes Movie Version!


Now I'm feeling guilty, 'cause I haven't showed/wrote anything and have this high quality stickers (thanks @pxlstudio and @ElPichon for those!) of my beloved characters.

God Damn, GameJolt!((

Read the article:

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!