Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

2 years ago

O-Oh my god.


a game update :O

This is truly a Yoshi poggers moment.

Anyway Hi, something that isn't related to nuts for once. time to updata yall on the game.

Just finished up Coding Night 3 rooms, so we've passed progress on SN officially. But, as a gift for not forgetting about this game (probably), Imma be generous and give you a room in the second mode >:)

I STARTED IT SUCKERS. I found a good idea to start this. mode off.


So here is that room. It may not seem familiar, but when the game comes out this image will make more sense.

Anyhow, might as well explain what the Second Mode is gonna be about, because the Sanity Timeline has slightly altered lore to the original game.

No, i will not be giving off any big info about it. All i'll say is this was after FNaW: Time Shift but before Mcroy Manor Takeovers... Mcroy Manor Takeover time period, which is after FNaW 1.

I will also say it belongs to someone that isn't Wario.

Sorry for the lack of posts on the game as of late by the way. Major loss of motivation on the game, but what can you do, now I'm back to being motivated though, so expect faster progress in the future :)

For now though, that's all I wanted to say, so have a good day!




Next up

Small progress report (Not a Devlog, cause I'm only going over like 1 major thing in this right now.

I got enough LoL in my life with College right now, I don't need another source of LoL in my life.

I'm still working on this I SWEAR, I'm just focusing on College and 14th Verse currently. But I swear, I'm getting work done!

Oh yeah, I made another custom track for the game too! I'll post that on the page for yall to enjoy for sticking through lol.

Big piece coming up soon (hopefully) now that I have a drawing tablet.

Take these two disgruntled men looking up at something.

[ #dragonball #14thVerse #art #kirby ]

2024 fans whenever someone 2025's:

(I already made my 2024 recap post, hehe)

Already got a whole lotta stuff done for Dementaphobia Dangers. It's not fully done yet, but It's looking like how I want it to at this point.


Definitely not reposting this cause I forgot to put it in communities. But I'm doing the extras, heres the other 6 character renders. Luigi is spoopy now :]

There we go, now we're christmassy

Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

Devlog #3