Undertale : Binds of Fate

3 years ago

October Progress Report - 2021

Hello everyone. Welcome to the official first progress report.

Today we will tell you about Noah, new mechanics, and much more!

About Noah


Noah Is Alan's Twin Brother. The second owner of the red soul.

Use his healing skills to heal your brother in battle!

About Alan


Alan. The owner of the red soul.

Team leader.

Use his skills to attack with the whole team!

Mechanics of two souls:

  • Switching between characters

  • Paired puzzles

And much more!

What have we done in a month?

The Animations for Noah of running and diagonally are ready!

Thanks @poody_blue for this!

(Alan has been ready for a long time)


Also, we made a concept of a couple of rooms, and two characters (which we will show later)


As you have already noticed, two tracks have already appeared, "Our Fault" and "Woodland Vestige". These two wonderful tracks were made by our new composer who recently appeared in the team. Meet! This is AlexBamZ!

The first location will take place in an overgrown old castle. We have room concepts, and I'll show you one:


Also the concept of battle.


There are still things I could show you, but it's time for us to say goodbye, see you in the next devlog!




Next up

January 2024 Devlog :0

New menu concept

Quick Frisk art made by me :>


Rooms have been updated a bit (can be changed) (UTFS)

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

finally updated the overworld

New Derio Concept (maybe).

Happy father's day

some progress :^