Showman's: Long Hours

1 year ago

Oh, hello there.

Tiny Devlog for Long Hours!

While the game is still nowhere near completion, I can say that progress has been moving forwards more than ever on this game, and I'm super excited to share more with you guys when the times come!

That big milestone I mentioned in the last devlog should no doubt be hit by this month (assuming everything goes according to plan), and I find that incredibly surreal but absolutely amazing at the same time. I'll be posting a more detailed devlog on that once it happens!

Unfortunately, I don't have much else to share at this time, but now you can see some temporary gameplay screenshots on Long Hours' game page!



Next up

Phobia: Long Hours' trailer has well over 100,000 views!

Also, Long Hours' game page has begun the process of being changed to be part of Showman's now! It'll stay like this for a while, but in the future some new and exciting stuff should pop up!

On this day last year, Phobia: Long Hours' trailer released and was also showcased during Fangame Direct 2022!

Tiny Devlog for Long Hours!

totally legit lore i promise (im lying)

"Good evenin'! Have we met before?"

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Currently better optimizing the models of the animatronics for The Awakening, just to improve the game's performance in 3D scenes they're visible in a little more. They're turning out great!

Hey all! Not necessarily related to Long Hours, but I've been meaning to do another Q&A again lately.

Please check the comments first just in case someone else has asked the same question you have. It just makes it a little easier for me!

Ask away!

Algo mas complejo.

Something more complex.

The Wiggles Five Nights at Freddy's: Prolonged Time


Coming soon in 2023!