Five Nights at Wario's: Relived Damnation
9 months ago

Oh my god a post that isn't a devlog post or a form of gameplay!

I wanted to have yall follow one of the more unique games this side of the community, well quite a few actually.

Why am I putting it on a gameplay page?

Cause why not :D


Five Nights at Wario's: The High Seas

FNaW The High Seas has recently made it's grand return onto the scene of the community, making a post 6 days ago (as of writing this post). The story is pretty much "Woman investigates Abandoned Cruise Ship, Cruise Ship sets sail with spoopy demons on it. Try and not die." It's short, its simple and it works.

Go and give it a follow, if you like FNaW 3 styled games, then you'll love this game.


Five Nights at Wario's: Swimming in Madness Drowned

This is not The High Seas 2 before you ask. FNaW: SIM Drowned takes place after the Murders and the evidence is being preserved. You work the nightshift, you see spoopy plumbers, try not to die. Some really good people work on that including Jetziel (Don't worry, I'll talk more about one of his posts when I feel ready to do so, cause right now... theres only one thing for it so), Supermariofan08 and JustinWright1.

God and follow this one to, promise you wont regret it.


Five Nights at Wario's: Dream Nights

Yeah, I'm doing more than games on boats at sea. Dream Nights. The developer, TrueCobalion (or Some cool sounding name goes here idk), put it in the best way, "Nights that come to me within a dream, though of only by my mind when I sleep..."

I mean, does it get anymore unique than that? Dream / Night 1 is released, so go and give it a play!



Next up

OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.

Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag

Five Nights at Wario's: Relived Damnation

Devlog #3:


Yeah, wasn't expecting this was ya?

Not a lot of it has been done yet, mainly because I've been busy going crazy with FNaW Deluxe (I love it so much aaaaa).

I finished off those small details and such. I even actually bug tested the game. All the achievements are obtainable, all the nights are playable.

As said, Phone Calls aren't in, but I'll be leaving a little note thing in the game for yall.

It's time.


Still no game-breaking bugs.

I think I've done it guys. I've become a reasonable Game Developer.

Now if you'll excuse me I got a Manor to Takeover.

I am a man of my word, heres 1/2 of what I promised (for now, I'll do Gulak Later. (He's the guy whose laughing with Fruppet in the corner)

Ok, so I'm pretty sure Cosmic is either on a long term break or has just decided to leave. Either way, wish that she's okay wherever she is now. So I'm gonna re-open the Phone Guy application thing.

What yall thinking of the new buttons for MMT, I've had to change them to actives because (as I found out), if someone doesn't have a specific font on their device, it just shows symbols.