a Mouse a House & Chaos

5 years ago

Oh my singing pirates! with grog no less, guess I'll have to change the rating to Teen since there's alcohol now lol

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I'm a very huge fan of after images in video games, so I made in the optional sewers sidequest the mouse has a walkie talkie as a backpack, and it emits small bits of green light, the backround is also a placeholder for now

Colt looks so cute in this picture, The ending cutscene is very sweet X3

OOF Jeremy's Judging you quite harshly >w<

Whew I can't believe how many days it took to finish this level now all that's left for this place is the boss battle, the way you fight this boss is pretty cool

Mmmmmmm doesn't Felix's cupcake shop look scrumptious

Ok, I may have made the wrong choice XwX

I was actually laughing out loud at the outcome

If you happen to play this game, feel free to post a screenshot in the comments if ya want. I'd love to see what hilarious event happened during your shift

after defeating an optional boss or looking around certain areas you'll find a secret floating object, simply walk into it and it'll be saved in the box above

I took a little break from work today doing some Christmas shopping and going out to eat, now I'm back and ready to continue!

this finely dressed fellow Is Felix the scary cupcake shop owner, his devilish desserts are to Die for

AT LAST! the ending cutscene is done! a whole whopping 1263 Frames!