4 years ago

Ok, enough silly's, I wanna talk about hashtags in names.

Now, as some of you know, I started the #BeRespectful thing, but some people have been putting #BeDisrespectful and #BeDepressed in their names and it's kinda bugging me.

Even if it's just supposed to be a joke, it's really not helping, especially for people who are depressed, or feel hurt.

We should be encouraging positivity and kindness, not depression and rudeness.

Edgy jokes are fine every once in a while, I make them myself, but there's some things you just don't joke about, like suicide, or the holocaust, and sometimes there are places where a joke could be easily taken the wrong way and have a negative result.

I'm sure most people who do so don't mean anything by it, but it's really not helping, and I'm not a fan of it. I'm not mad, I just don't like it and am concerned is all.

Some of the people with the hashtag are likely suffering from depression themselves, and I can understand that. I was lowkey depressed a couple days ago, I know how it feels, like everything sucks. Most of us have been there to some degree or another.

Anyways, by using that in your name, you're not helping yourself or anyone else, so I would suggest removing it or just replacing it all together.

And hey, I'll admit, when I was really mad, or down, I kinda felt like taking #BeRespectful out of my name. I didn't, but I felt like it.

But if you're going to have a hashtag that says you feel like crap, just put something in parenthesis like "(feels like crap honestly)" or "(feeling depressed)" or something, instead of encouraging that emotion, you're letting other know you feel down, and in a way, asking for a little help and comfort, or maybe to be left alone.

Like I said, no hard feelings to anyone with these hashtags, I just wanted to discourage it and ask people to think about it a bit. Hope that went over well.

Thankyou for reading, and God bless you. Hope you have a great day. 😊



Next up

I'm waiting on something to be approved before I can make the post I had planned for today.

In the meantime, have this Golem Lord re-design teaser


A new GUIDANCE demo is coming to Game Jolt and Steam before the end of the month! (next couple days)



Hey, I'm going to be putting the egg pets on hold for a little bit due to not having the time and energy to put into it rn, details below👇.

In the meantime, here are some 'new' lil dudes!

DW! I'll return to the pets, I promise! ^.^

Here’s a behind-the-scenes peak at my concept art for the Golem Lord redesign!

If you’re curious how the finished product turn out, you can find it in action when the demo comes out! Idk about you but I'm really excited ^.^


Yall remember that time I turned Game Jolt into a cute anime girl? Yeah, me either. (actually I do but it sounded funnier in my head if I said I didn't)

Just dropping one for the Art Archive ^.^

Break through the enemies defences with ARMOR BREAK!

(Also, cool announcement tomorrow, keep an eye out!)

Hope I'm not too late for this trend lol

This was a lot of fun to make ^.^

(I think my personal favorite might have to be the third one, but the second one has grown on me, and there's a lot I like about 5, altho she looks more like Zelda to me tbh)

Burned? Weakened? Dazed? Bleeding? A band-aid should do the trick!

(larger announce post this saturday)

Edit: this was scheduled a while ago and moved around a bit, so the above statement was actually yesterday lol, but very soon!

Can't wait for October 4th!

This was my first time drawing the characters, and considering they're just light doodles, I don't think I did too bad ^.^

Couldn't help but try my hand at just tweaking the OG peach design. Obviously left one is mine, right one is the OG.

Honestly, it's not bad. I don't generally like the aesthetics as much but I tried to keep the soul of the original intact.