December 4, 2021
It was a current day as always untill the night hited, when i was playing on my phone and the YT notification comed it was from @MiloTheSpartan3147, it was a memorial of sunkytememelord, at first i thought it was a goodbye because of a retired or something but..... when i saw a comment saying "If you read the description you will see" when i opened that...................................... i could believe my Unique friend commited a suicide because of Aaron's Bull****, i droped my phone on the bed and got into a deep paralysis momen when tears camed off me and starting to remember those good moments, i just non-stoped crying while i was laying down..... i feel like a had no more reason to be Thegamervice anymore...... So today i comed to tell all of you that i changed this community from UT to Sunky's memorial and my moderators @witheredtoysonicthehedgehog and @TheRealTacogames will continue moderating this community and keep it active. I will be gone from gamejolt because this was too much for me and all of those who where Sunky's friends
All of his friends also had been really sad about this tragic moment and made him a memorial as well, i will really loved you to do one as well for our remembered friend. #ThanksForeverSunky 💙💙
Thank you for your supports! 💙🙏