inky hell (bendy fan game)
1 year ago

ok, so bad news. but I'm trying to stay positive about this, because the game will still happen.

it's pretty bad though.

for those of you that don't know, the new inky hell follows an open world sort of formula. The studio is massive and exploration is a huge part of the game.

A few days ago, I started getting weird crashes and objects failing to load. But whatever, it didn't seem to be affecting anything.

Today, when I double clicked on the level, it wouldn't open. Attempting to run it in game just results in a crash.

I've been trying for hours, it's gone.

However, every single asset and blueprint is fine, and perfectly intact. This just means, I may have to build the map from the ground up again. Which sucks, but it gives me an opportunity to do it again, but better.



Next up

been redoing some older areas

I made this parkour game for school

I am SUPER HAPPY with how it plays. It could look a lil better though. I might share more if people are interested.

What're your thoughts?

another trailer soon

not on my channel for once 😏

He is NOT happy

Current state of the game in article:

minor visual tweaks, again

mostly post processing stuff



New menu screen I made over a few days.

Seriously, I know that sometimes it might seem like nothing is being done, but I work on this game every single day. It's almost done, and it'll be beta tested for a few weeks before release :3

I am so addicted to this game right now it's not even funny

unggoy 🥺