pvz idk | A pvz fangame
2 years ago

ok so in the article r some random plant concepts i've got

i will make all of them in the future, but yall r welcome to give suggestions or other concept in the comments ;)

Of course, not all the plants are shown here. This document only includes new plants or returning plants that have new abilities.

Spring bean  

0 sun  

Recharge: 40s

bean vegetable  


An instant. Knocks all zombie on a tile back for 3 tiles with an 1s delay.

Scardey shroom


Recharge: 15s



Shoots a 20 dmg spore every 1s. When a zombie is in 3x3 range of it, it disappears.



Recharge: 25s

Fruit berry


Pults a bunch of smaller berries every 3s, which deals 30 splash dmg in 1x3 area and leaves an 1x3 juice that lasts for 4s. Zombies on the juice are slowed.



Recharge: 50s

Fruit clock


Click on it to stop time for 7 secs, in which everything stop except all seed packets, which recharges 4x faster. After that needs 35 secs to charge this ability again. When a timeapple finishes charging, it gives you a random free plant in your deck. 



Recharge: 20s



This seed packet plants on of the shrooms. After a 1s delay, the other twin emerged from the leftmost empty tile. The initial twin is a ranged attack that shoots a 20dmg spore every 1.2s. The other twin is a tank that has 2000HP.

If one of the twin is destroyed, after 20s, if the other twin is still alive, it is resurrected on the leftmost empty tile.

Bonk Choy


Recharge: 20s



Does a consecutive 3 punches every 1.5s, each dealing 20dmg to the zombie ahead of him. (Range: 1 tile ahead of him) The 3rd punch knocks the zombie back for 0.5 tile.

Sea pea


Recharge: 30s

Aquatic pea (aquatic means can be planted in water)


Attack every 1.3sec. Have a 75% chance to shoots a piercing water stream that deals 20 dmg to all zombies in the lane and slow them for 1s and a 25% change to shoot a big stream of water for 4s, which deals 40dmg to the front most zombie and knock it back for 1 tile every sec

Hypno shroom


Recharge: 50s

Magical shroom


Whenever a zombie reaches 3x3 area around her, she explodes with a 1s delay and hypnothise every zombie in 3x3

In magical state she can only hynothise up to 5 zombies but their HP and attack and speed are tripled



Recharge: 30s



Same as pvz1, but now can also swallow gargs and digest time is decided by the remaining HP the zombie has.

The time = ((remaining hp+remain armor(s) hp)/80+6) s

E.g. a basic with full hp(200) would take 8.5s to digest

a typical gang with full hp (4000) would need 56s to digest

Fard shroom


Recharge: 30s

Fard (yes ‘fard’ is a trait) shroom


Every 5s shoots a piercing 4-tile-long fume that deals 80dmg. Zombies hit by it are stunned for 2s, and then fard and are knocked by 2tile, losing 30% of their max hp in the same time(ignores armor)

(Idea by: mr homing)

Coffee pea


Recharge: 15s



Every 4s shoots a bunch of coffee powder that deals 20dmg and makes the zombie coughs and stop for 2s. After that it splits into 3, doing the same thing.

(Hidden ability: milk pea revolution: turns into cappuccino pea)

(Idea by: hugo 2020)

Cappuccino pea

Hidden plant 

Every 2.5s, shoots a blob off cappuccino. The zombie hit by it is stunned by 1.5s and is applied 1 layer of milk (in case u don’t know for each layer of milk the zombie gets 0.5x more speed and atk; when a zombie gets 5 layers of milk, it dies.) and then it splits into 3 smaller blobs that does the same thing.

(Idea by: Hugo 2020)

Glue pea





Every 1.6s shoots a blob of glue that deals 10 poison dmg and apply 1 layer of glue to zombies.

With 1 layer of glue the zombie walks 50% slower; with 2 it walks 75% slower; with 3 it walks 87.5% slower.

When a zombie has 4 layers of glue, it clears all layers of glue and is crystallised, cannot move and gets 0.5x resistance (meaning halving the dmg taken) toward any type of dmg except poison damage. After 3 secs, it bursts, dealing 60 poison dmg to the zombie and all zombies in the tile, also applying 1 layer of glue to them.

Zombies with glue layers takes 5 poison dmg every 1.5s.

(Inspired by YeahXD)

Sweet Pea


Recharge: 20s

Cute pea


Attack every 1.4s:

33% chance to shoots a pepper mint that deals 40 fire dmg in 3x3

33% chance to shoot an ice cream cone that deals 10 ice dmg in 3x3 and freeze all zombies in 3x3 for 2s

15% chance to shoots a bunch of popping candy that deals 10 physical dmg and leaves popping candy dancing in 3x3 for 10s, dealing 5 physical dmg and stunning zombies for 0.75s each sec

18% chance to shoots a sweet (lol) that deals 60 physical dmg and attracts all zombies in 3x3 to the lane where it is located.

Goo pea


Recharge: 20s



Shoots a poison blob every 2.5 that deals 20 poison dmg and apply 20 poison to all zombie in 1 tile

Poison mechanic:

If a zombies has poison, every 3s, it is dealt with [poison amount]*0.01*(armor hp+ actual hp) poison dmg and halves the poison on it

Cosmic Pea

125 sun

Recharge: 10s

Cosmic (trait) pea


Shoots a pea full of dark energy that stops when touching a zombie, dealing 1 cosmic dmg each frame to each zombie that touches it. If the pea hasn’t touched a zombie for 3s, it disappears.

Cosmic trait: can be directly planted in space and any other landscapes and can be used to activate [cosmic call]

Cosmic call: ability that activates whenever a cosmic plant is planted

Neutron star

100 sun

Recharge: 25s



Pulls all zombies in 3x3 to the tile it is planted.

Cosmic sunflower 


Recharge : 10s



Every 4s, shoots a beam that initially deals 5 cosmic dmg to all zombies in the lane, for every zombies defeated by it it drops 15 sun.

Cosmic call: beam damage +3

Cosmic nut


 Recharge: 30s



Have 2000 max hp but starts with 100. Heals for 30hp every sec.

Cosmic shroom


 Recharge: 25s

Growing Cosmic shroom


After 20s, grows and drops 3 free random cosmic plant that costs 150sun or below

Cosmic bean


 Recharge: 35s



Every 5s throws a power up to the nearest plant without the power up in its lane. The power up lasts for 15s and boosts the plant’s atk and attacking speed by 0.15x

Cobmic Cannon


Recharge: 60s



Takes up 2 tiles. Click on it and then click another tile to fire a cosmic corn that hits the ground after 4s and deals 3000 cosmic dmg in 3x3 area. Leaves a 3x3 nebula lasting for 20s in which zombies take 20 cosmic dmg every sec, plants heal for 20 hp each sec and attack 0.15x faster. After that takes 60s to charge another shot.

Cosmic call: reduces cost by 50 sun. At most reduced to 500sun.



Recharge: 10s


Every 1.5s shoots a spike that can pierce through 2 zombies and deals 20 physical dmg. Deals 3x dmg to flying zombies and 2x dmg to zombies without armor.

Baobab tree

125 sun

Recharge: 30s


Has 3000HP. Every 6s splashes purifying water in  3x3 area. On death splashes purifying water to all tiles on the screen

Purifying water: lasts for 3s. Clears zombie stains and makes plants in it attacking 2x faster.


150 sun

Recharge: 40s



Click on it to spend $1 to shoot a coin that deals 100 physical dmg. Has a 5s cool-down between attacks.



Recharge: 20s


Officially the most op and essential plant in pvz idk for most decks as it has 2000HP and now BUFFS ALL MISSLES THAT PASSES THROUGH IT



Next up

lighting up the hopeless darkness

coffee bean

showcase of all the 6 currently plants in pvz ez!

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new plant: little sprout!

turns into a random plant after 30s.

when a plant is grafted onto it the plant grows immediately and does not fall asleep

when it is grafted onto other plants it turns into a random plant immediately

pov: you move one random line of game code

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

smoother animations & better effects coming to pvz idk?!