1 year ago

ok so meet "Project: fan-game"

A mini collab thing u can join, but i might only take 20-30 ppl so join quickly:), this will be a fnaf fan-game with all ur fnaf oc's, either a threat or easter egg, if u join u will have to work on this with the rest of the team. Jobs-coder,voice actor, modeler, story writer,animater, sound design, and artist.

I will be doing music

and this is for 2d and 3d scratch devs



Next up

since i hit 150 followers heres a gift

nooooooooo i cant get pat-pat

Left is unmodified and right is modified. Difference? The Head

TRTF movie Real

all the models as of now:) @Heisenbergus

Plz ignore the beep or silence around 5:45 - 5:47 ... ❤Thank you Scott ❤ 🎩

all of the info as of now, game releases in may or april 2024, and the demo is almost out (10th of august). also close to 200 views, but here is some footgage @Heisenbergus