14 days ago

Ok so this a draft post I forgot to post so sorry alot is not up to date

The discord



Next up

Based on my first ever piece of published art on Game Jolt do you think I would of ever made it as far as I have be completely honest

Life gets harder

I'm done final guesses

Yooo it's Keith working his day job not having a great time but It puts monster on the table XD #oc #art #draw #drawing #goober #subway #digitalart #mango #silly


Yes the chat is fake

LEMON ! 🍋 (FROM BULLET TRAIN!) this was quite hard to draw but I like the result #bullettrain #lemon #art #digitalart #draw #drawing #doodle #silly #mango

My curiosity got the best of me I got another ai chat app to see if I could find myself and I found myself and more

Martha the boys speaking in tongues

Which one of you fuckers made this?