So firstly the new channel won't be here forever just saying..


soooo we need new pics for some of the channels (Cawthon art , Spicy memes , My office)

And it needs to include not just FNAF but also Chipper and sons , Slumber fish , the desolate hope and maybe sit n survive... You know just Scotts other games

The prize is!!!! .... Well whatever ya want! ( Except moderator or collaboration )



Next up

Lil cutie

(Saw him kill a sheep in record speed)

He's adorable isn't he :3

Cutey pattotie ummm kitty weed-y

Christmasy happy ratty Uhhh

Lovey smt smt


How is this fat monke called??

FR: Le seul mini-jeu que j'ai trouvΓ©.

EN: The only minigame I found.

=> @kazovsky



28 posts featured for this week and the week before this one

And like 1 moved

feeling abundantly devious

Man I love the clash royale community

(Also I stopped playing for 5-6 months already, lvl 15 and evolutions are such a stupid Addition to the game smh)

Was scrolling through my alt account where I used to send my pixel art and I found these,,,

Honestly I'm pretty proud of the ennard redesign like um the other three are trash but this one is decent in my opinion πŸ‘

(Also ik the backgrounds are shit)

Recent little piece + the inspiration.


Don't know what to post so here you have 4 of my 6 kittens

(Also man I haven't touched this community for so long)