10 hours ago

Okay, I know I'm Supposed to be dark and mysterious and have a lot of aura right now for the upcoming thing (that was a joke, I'm not cool), but how could I NOT post about this???

On today's date It's been one year since MatPat's Final Theory. That is actually INSANE to think about. I still remember watching it live, and to think it was a year ago. I still remember how on the last "That's Just a Theory," I too said that. Love ya MatPat (Platonic). Miss the prime game theory, and hopefully Tom does more episodes where Mat joins in. I don't know if we'll ever get that again, but hey, that's just a theory, A GAME THEORY!



Next up

Update on my test. I had a curve and a couple questions that weren't graded so I got a 33/40. Les go


(I'll post FNAF 3 art later don't worry)

Pixel Art for FNaF 3's Birthday

My first time doing pixel art so criticism is welcome

Happy Birthday FNaF 3!!!

Jack [DOAI/Dreams of an Insomniac]

Read the article for more info about this

One last piece of art for FNAF 3's 10th!

Took use of JT Music's Chilling quote

Once again, happy birthday FNaF 3!!!

#FNAF3 #FiveNightsAtFreddys #SFM

It's Me Short

#Gjasks wheatley fo sho


it will happen. it will release. the whole thing. I will return when my work is done. and the music will cleanse my hard work and sweat.

Spring 2025


Purple Guy

Requested by @GreenAssassin_JJ

The Time For Change is Now

I'm not sure where we are at this point

But we can find a way back to normal

I'm Tired

All will be okay

Something Will Happen Soon

Be Prepared

I'm going away once again

But Until We Meet Again...