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one of the game over screens for the game i am working on now
who the hell are you
here the first teaser for the remake i haven't work on the game because i working on something else then i will work on this game i just made freddy for fun and yes freddy is inspired by fnaf plus my love
He didn't survive the night ( sorry i taking long making this game )
Made this for fun ( yes it's Ennard )
Night 5 reveal (I know it isn't good and yes i made the model but i wanted to make something for my birthday so i made this)
hi everyone i want to say my pc wasn't working so i could't work on the game but it's fix now i can work on the game again
Is My birthday i am 18 now so yeah here's foxy and a vhs tape will be release to is fredbear vhs tape he just going to talk and night 5 will be reveal in the vhs tape
What happen to the game (one of the mini-games reveal and did say the game is going to be messed up and dark)
Here's a look of the new hallway still working on it yes the rooms won't be super dark anymore (i hope it's better)