Shit got real, I'm really glad we got this far. Careful started as a pretty silly project, probably my third attempt to make an actual game/fangame and the first one to be at least somewhat published. To be honest, when I first created the page I went all blind about a worrying amount of stuff, like the story, the mechanics, barely even thought of the most primordial kind of things, I just said "Fuck it" and went with it. I'm pretty glad I did that. Even though Careful is VERY, VERY far away from being completed, with the acts format and the amount of ideas and ambition I have for this game, finishing this seems far from impossible. And now, of course, I have a much more expansive vision than what I had one year ago ( Although that sounds pretty obvious ). Special thanks to a lot of people, the ones who offered support from the start, like @nsyu , @Gamedevtest2
, and of course, all of my team and followers. This may sound a bit cheesy but this project is really kind of a big deal to me, and I couldn't be more excited to see it be completed.
Cheat update
Well, now, I shouldn't do another report, specially since we are like in the middle of the month, but this is an special occasion, so fuck it. More cool progress has been made for the big revamp ( That if you forgot, includes not only pain mode, but a revamp for most contents on the game, maps, fights, etc. and other new additions ). I don't want to talk too much, so let's just watch some screenshots aight?

Well this looks different.


Do not the Highman.
Some stuff is progressing slowly, specially music and somewhat the sprites, since having to do them all myself is kinda tiring, but other than that, it's going mostly smooth. I have hopes that I will have more interesting stuff to show for this month report. Thanks for reading allat, see you in next update!