4 days ago

Okay so this might be my only post about Pride month and it is a fan of the flag :) Also it broke because I flung it open to hard so that's sad :( Also sorry if you wanted me to make art celebrating Pride month but I have no idea what to draw for it.

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Okay here is Afton Built Foxy!! (please look at all 4 images) I really like how he turned out, now I just got to bring him over into Substance painter so I can give my boy some textures :)

Higher quality Freder :)

Mae Borowski is the main character of Night in the Woods! It's an adventure game that tells the story of her return to her hometown of Possum Springs. She was confirmed as canonically pan in a social media post by the game's creator Scott Benson.

His nose booper :)

Tyler Ronan is the co-protagonist of Tell Me Why! GLAAD worked with Xbox Game Studios and DONTNOD to "ensure that Tyler is a compelling, multi-dimensional character, and his story avoids the harmful transgender stereotypes and tropes of the past."

Freder but I textured him in Substance Painter. Celebration at Freddy's will still have that painterly texture, I just wanted to see how Freder would look if be had more of a realistic look.

Foxy poster!!!

New pfp

This has been the Cam 4 place holder image, I think we should change that