I looked back at the very first prototype build of the game! I looked GARBAGE! I can’t believe how much we’ve been through all these past months in development, and we’re getting better for every update released for Heaven Saga!
Back in the day, when we started this project in the first place, we were going to use a SUPER trashy engine; a basic simple engine with no slopes or smooth movements whatsoever, until we found the HogBounce engine, the we put that in instead. It started off as a so-so project, we release a bunch of updates, and now with our work-in-progress engine with actual physics and slopes, look where we at now, all with improvements and whatnot! Man, I really feel proud of myself and the others, I could make tutorial videos on how to make games like this!
I can’t believe we are so much better than all of the other Sonic fan games on Scratch. And guess what? The team is offering other teams to help on them so that their projects won’t be dead!